
  • Where is it located?

Italy is located in Southem Europe

  • What’s its capital?

Italy´s capital is Rome

Population, Currency:

  • How many people live there?

Italy has 59.7 million inhabitants

  • What is its currency?

The currency of Italy is Euro.

Landscape, Weather:

  • Are there mountains, hills, forests, lakes, rivers, beaches?

The Apennine Mountains form the peninsula's backbone and the Alps form most of its northern boundary, where Italy's highest point is located on Mont Blanc. 
The Po, is Italy's longest river and The five largest lakes are: Garda, Maggiore, Como, Trasimeno and Bolsena.

  • What is its landscape like?

Italy's landscape is lush vegetation and is the perfect place for contact with nature.

  • What is its weather like?

In northern Italy, temperatures can reach below the freezing during the winters, with snow in the northern most areas. Southern Italy has a warmer, more moderate climate.


  • What kind of government does the country have?
Italy has a parliamentary government based on a proportional voting system.

  • Is the country famous?

  • Are there any famous sights, places, buildings, museums?
Yes, such as: Pisa tower, lake garda, Rome's Coliseum, lake como, Mount Vesuvius, opus dei, etna, Genoa Aquarium, etc.


  • What kind of food do people eat in this country?
Italian food is varied reflecting their culture; their dishes have a variety of pastas and dishes such as pizza and coffee.

  • What is its typical food?
Some typical dishes are: pizza, risotto, lasagna, ravioli and pansotti.


  • What kind of music do people listen?

Italy's music covers a broad spectrum of opera and instrumental music.

  • Who are the most famous singers in the country?

Laura Pausini, Eros Ramazzotti, Andrea Bocelli, etc. 


  • What are the main sports practiced by people?
In Italy is practicing several major sports but the most important are football, basketball and volleyball.


  • What do people celebrate?

In Italy are celebrated: carnivals, the pallium Siena, L'Ardia di San Costantino, Festa della Madonna Bruna, La Quintana, etc..

  • How do people celebrate?
in Italy is celebrated with dancing, processions, traditional dress and lots of food.

Art, Religion:

  • What kind of art does the country have?
Italian painting is traditionally characterized by a warmth of colour and light, as exemplified in the works of Caravaggio and Titian, and a preoccupation with religious figures and motifs.

  • What is or are their religions?
Roman Catholicism is, by far, the largest religion in the country, although Catholicism is no longer officially the state religion.


Important facts in its history: 
The facts Italy most important are the origin of Rome, Roman Monarchy, Roman empire, Decline of Rome, The Papal States, The Italian Renaissance, The unified Italy, etc.

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